Highlights from our webinar on Supporting Employees During Times Of Difficult Change

On Tuesday 29th September Hanson Search hosted a panel event discussing how businesses can best support their employees during times of difficult change. With furlough soon coming to an end and some companies offering a blend of remote and office working, we are seeing how important the critical need for effective communications is during these times of difficult change and transition. HR, Communications and CEOs have had to unite like never before to support employees through organisational change or potential redundancies.

Alongside our panel of industry experts Hanson Search discussed a best practice approach to supporting employees through times of organisational change and redundancy in a way that focuses on the people of the business. 

Featuring our expert panel:

  • Claire Birch – Human Resources Director at The Communications Store
  • Stephen Duncan – Managing Director at United Minds, (a Weber Shandwick consultancy)
  • Amy Hayer – Director and Head of Outplacement Solutions, Hanson Search


In this discussion they explored the following:

  • Who should be delivering key messages in times of organisational change
  • Advice on communication tactics when going through the process of redundancy
  • How to communicate effectively with virtual teams
  • How to manage culture and moral during times of constant change 


For more highlights and top tips from the discussion, feel free to view here:

Hanson Search has recently launched a cost effective outplacement solution to support businesses who are having to make difficult cost saving measures and want to support their employees to give them the confidence and tools to help them successfully transition their career. Find out more here.


Other events

  • Gender Equality in Public Affairs: What’s Holding It Back, and How to Move Forward
    By Hanson Search
  • Webinar: Navigating the 2024 Communications Job Market
    By Hanson Search
  • Closing the Gap: Tackling Ethnicity Pay Disparities
    By Mirjana R.Dejanovska
  • Navigating Talent and Building Dynamic Cultures
    By Alice Weightman

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