Global Women in PR Annual Index is Here

Big news! The first Global Women in PR annual index, an in-depth research project looking at the global landscape for women in the PR industry, is launching this year. Focusing on work, social and cultural environments that affect women in leadership roles, this research will be the first of its kind.

We’d love for you to participate. You can access the survey below, simply click on the relevant country link.

The GWPR Annual Index will be the definitive reference report analysing gender issues affecting the PR industry. Despite the predominance of women working in the PR industry (it is two-thirds female), the boardroom still does not reflect this ratio, with men occupying 62% of seats at the table.

This research, conducted by Global Women in PR and Opinium, is part of a five-year plan to track changes and measure progress towards gender equity.

The survey is open for both men and women in the PR industry until 16th August 2019. Please take part and/or share the survey with your relevant contacts.

Hanson Search is a proud supporter of GWPR and launched Women in PR Middle East in 2016 in partnership with PRCA MENA.  We look forward to the results of this vital research which will help us tackle the myriad obstacles facing women in the PR industry and blocking their assent to leadership roles.

Women in PR survey links by country:












Alice established Hanson Search in 2002 and has since gained a reputation as one of the leading search professionals in senior appointments across communications, developing an incredible network globally. A fellow of the REC and member of the 30% Club, Alice actively supports gender diversity as a business imperative and she is proactive about encouraging economic and social diversity within the industry. In 2015, Alice launched The Work Crowd, an online talent marketplace, and was awarded Entrepreneur of the Year at the 2016 FSB London Business Awards.

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