60 Seconds with Paul Marshall, Insight Director at Differentology

With more than twenty years of experience in the research industry, Paul has worked for some of the biggest names in the business, from Kantar to YouGov and now Differentology. His research has taken him from London to Dubai to Iraq and beyond. I caught up with Paul to get a glimpse into a day in his work life.

How do you start your day?

I get up and make a smoothie at 5.30am. Then I listen to the last 30 minutes of the business news on Radio 5.

What’s your work mantra?

I’d say my work provides an element of surprise, something interesting or scary might happen during the day. A scary problem is often just one with no obvious solution. I like the challenge of finding a solution.

What personal attribute has most helped you succeed in your career?

Adaptability, finding my place in new situations. Going to Iraq between 2007 and 2010 to collect opinions in a country barely out of the clutches of war was a great experience. In those situations, you adapt, you work your way through fresh challenges, and you learn.

Best career advice for someone who wants to make it in your industry?

Try new things and don’t be afraid to fail. Even if you fail, you’ll learn something. Volunteer for different things. I started in research when I was conducting telephone interviews and someone asked for help in a different department. I gave it a go and here I am 24 years later.

What keeps you sane on those crazy days?

I like crazy days. I like being busy and having lots going on. In some ways, it’s the crazy days that keep me sane. Like all things in life, work is about balance. I think we all need a good balance of crazy and calm days.

How can we help?

We are specialists in market research and insights recruitment. Find out more about how we work here or get in touch with me for a confidential chat using the form below.

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