“If you’re going to vibrate in someone’s pocket – you’d better have something important to say” – Good point well made by Michael Bayler of SapientNitro during the afternoon Mobile Advertising debate. One of the many stand out quotes to be tweeted and re-tweeted in real time during a debate; along with the term #Phablet (phone meets tablet). The audience remained glued to their ‘second screens’ as they listened to experts discuss that very medium – happily tweeting away and interacting with the panel on subjects including: Social Media, Data, Mobile Advertising and of course, Screens: TV, Phone, Tablet, Cinema, Laptops. These well put together and insightful talks were interspersed with relevant Start Up presentations and a keynotes from Wired Editor David Rowan. The latter left even the highest achiever reaching for the stars and the outer stretches of the universe as David demonstrated the power of small companies and start ups and technology, including one which is to start mining asteroids in the near future – what have you achieved this quarter? Evidently the sky is far from the limit. Back on planet Earth, Media Tel had jam packed plenty into one day without being exhausting. Between talks there was the opportunity to mingle in the foyer and discover interactive stands from the likes of Smooth Radio and the Start-ups. There was plenty of opportunity to speak to the panelists during the day or over drinks in the terrace bar afterwards. At the end of the day my main concerns were:

  • Are cinemas soon to have second screen interaction – the cinema going experience to me is sacred, not a place I want a dialogue with brands thank-you very much.
  • How soon will my house have cloud TV and what will I do with my Sky box when it gets here?
  • It’s true mobile advertising is not where it needs to be yet (apps that take you to websites that aren’t mobile ready) so who will be first to fix this?
  • Who’s data is it anyway? There is little that Facebook doesn’t already know about me, what’s being done with that data?
  • Do I want adverts targeted to me personally or is that a bit stalkerish?
  • And most importantly, is there anything cuter than a baby boy hearing his mother’s voice for the first time thanks to technology? Clip from youtube, Wired Keynotes)

None of these questions were answered because they all demonstrate ongoing changes in the way in which we interact with technology and social platforms. Great day, fun, interactive and on the right level for a would-be-geek or average consumer like me.

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