Lesson learned with… Ngozi Emeagi, Senior Consultant at Powerscourt Group

This month we interviewed Ngozi Emeagi, Senior Consultant at Powerscourt Group. Ngozi shares her journey into comms, career highlights and lessons learnt.

Ngozi Emeagi

Can you briefly share your professional journey which has led you to your role now?

I studied economics at university and like many other students on my course, a career in banking or consulting was an obvious next route. I applied for several graduate schemes and landed on a role at Goldman Sachs. After a few years of working there I knew that I wanted to make a change and take my career in a different direction.

I had a few friends in financial communications working in various agencies so I decided to find out a little more about what a career in comms would entail. Needless to say, I loved the sound of it, the focus on writing, understanding the strategy of a business and the need to be fully emersed in current affairs all appealed to me – 11 years on and I haven’t looked back!

What has been your career highlight?

I am particularly proud of becoming the Vice President of Women in PR a not-for-profit organisation that aims to increase the numbers and diversity of senior women within the industry. In the last year we have shone a light on a number of pertinent issues within the industry and I am really proud of the progress we have made to date.

How has the comms industry been impacted by the COVID pandemic?

I think there has been a marked change from the beginning of the pandemic to now. Initially uncertainty set in, and I know a number of individuals that were put on furlough. However, clients still required counsel over the last two years and in many cases the desire for communications support actually increased.

Additionally, our ways of working have obviously changed and so there is a greater emphasis on flexibility now than before the pandemic. What companies are focussing on now is what comes next and how to integrate the positive changes that we have benefitted from over the last two years into everyday working life.

How do you think comms will evolve over the next three-five years?

I think comms has fared quite well during the pandemic and its importance to clients has been evident. I do however think that in increased focus on flexibility needs to remain to ensure companies and agencies have the best chance of recruiting talent. As well as flexibility the pandemic has led many to evaluate what makes them professionally fulfilled and I have seen many walk away from the industry feeling discontented. I think that its important we keep up the good work that we have championed over the last couple of years and ensure this is an industry people still want to work in.

What important lessons have you learnt throughout your career?

In any role or organisation that you’re in, understand what your superpower is and exactly what you bring to the table. There will always be people better than you at something, they may be quicker at building relationships or can grasp concepts at a faster rate however there will always be something that sets you apart and the more work you put into understanding yourself and what those special qualities are the more successful you will be.

What skill sets do you think businesses within communications will be looking for in the coming year?

The ability to roll with the punches and adapt to change.

What is the best advice you ever received?

Always stay true to who you are especially when under pressure.

What do you think companies can do to drive diversity and inclusion within the workplace?

Understand that representation matters so try to recruit and promote a diverse range of people. Think about the small changes you can make to really drive inclusion – team meetings after 9 for those who need to do drop offs or planning afterwork drinks in advance for those that need more notice.

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