How I made it featuring Nicolas Mendel, Managing Director of Social.Lab, Singapore

Hanson Search steps inside the world of Social.Lab to interview Nicolas Mendel, Managing Director of their Singapore office, for our ‘Inspiring Stories’ career series. Nicolas shares his advice for a career in social and tips for keeping sane on crazy days.

How do you start your day?

With a coffee, obviously! I start early and like to get to the office before everyone else to check on emails and draft my agenda for the day. I’m very organised so I like to set a target for the day.

What personal attribute has most helped you to succeed in your career?

Being humble coupled with the fact that I am organised and structured and pay great attention to detail – producing high-quality work is really important to me.

What keeps you sane on those crazy days?

Knowing that I’m going to go back to bed! And, more seriously, keeping in mind long-term objectives and goals. Every day I really try to focus on what I have and ask, ‘what can I do today?’

What’s your best career advice for someone who wants to make it in your industry?

Never pretend you can do something you can’t – it will always create issues for you.

Describe yourself in three words

Humble, organised, and joyful.

Who or what inspires you?

Definitely my CEO. I admire him a lot and he pushes me to be the best I can be. I hate the idea of disappointing people, so that motivates me a lot too.

What major challenges have you overcome in your career?

When I moved from Belgium to London to work with Social.Lab having had a business background, I wasn’t very confident about my work in terms of marketing, and my English wasn’t great. I had to deal with very senior people and it took me a while to build up my confidence and be assertive.

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