Empowering Women in Healthcare Communications: Insights and Advice from Kim Walker, Managing Director at GCI Health


What is it like to be a female leader in today’s industry? 

There are so many incredible female leaders in the healthcare industry, and I feel privileged and inspired to be working alongside many of them every day. I feel lucky to be working in healthcare communications where, due to the high percentage of women in the industry, many leadership positions are held by women, so we are able to show the success we can generate! I recognise that this is not the case in all industries, so I am grateful for this opportunity. I have worked with some amazing female leadership teams who I have had the privilege to learn from – women from different backgrounds and cultures – all with a passion for science, health and communications. When people ask me what I love about GCI Health, it is such an easy answer – the amazing people! 
How does GCI Health ensure they Inspire Inclusion of Women? 

The industry is unique in that the inclusion of women has always been part of our fabric, right from when Rikki Jones first opened the GCI Health London doors 10 years ago. That’s not to say that we don’t continue to put time and effort into ensuring our policies are up to date and reflect the needs of women – and all individuals – in today’s world.  

We have lots of working mums and we are proud to be a company that champions flexibility to support them. Our support, however, extends beyond just working mums, or even working parents, as we don’t believe that flexibility should be limited to those with families. Our flexible working policy is open to all staff at every level and is something 100% of our team take advantage of. We set out to create a workplace with a difference – fostering an environment where we are supportive and empathetic to each other’s situations.  There is always more to do to ensure that our workplace feels more inclusive and more diverse – and not just relating to gender. 
What‘s your advice to a woman looking for a role at in healthcare communications? 

Within any company it is important that women are each other’s biggest asset.  My advice is to surround yourself with great people who have different and complimentary skills to you! Use your innate female qualities to nurture a culture of kindness and respect. Be open and honest with people around you and to yourself – if your company is people focussed and inclusive you will only be better for it and met with understanding and support every day. 

Amy is the global head of healthcare at Hanson Search, overseeing a team that works across PR, digital, advertising, and medical education. With over ten years of recruitment experience, Amy is an expert in the healthcare communications market, offering invaluable insight into the talent landscape and state of the industry. She is professional, knowledgeable and enthusiastic in her approach. Amy thinks outside the box and she works with integrity, ensuring that her clients and candidates are well-matched for partnerships with longevity. Amy is an active ambassador for the healthcare industry. She collaborates with healthcare leaders to tackle the major issues...

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